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A Daily Summer Day At Ruigrok Flowerbulbs

A daily summer day at Ruigrok Flowerbulbs

It’s Summer! This means no beach, cocktail or holiday for us, because it is the busiest period of Ruigrok Flowerbulbs. Our peak season is Summer, when the bulbs are harvested,…

Great Hyacinths

Great hyacinths

What’s not to love about hyacinths? There is nothing like these fragrant beauties to herald the spring! Their versatility and the wide range in different colors contribute to their popularity.…

Harvesting Season Is Here!

Harvesting season is here!

Here at Ruigrok Flowerbulbs, we are getting ready for our busiest time of year. After having bloomed exuberantly on our fields, our flower bulbs are now ready to be lifted…

Check Out Our Tulip Fields

Check out our tulip fields

After a very cold start of spring, finally all tulip fields in the Netherlands are in full bloom. At the Ruigrok Flowerbulbs nursery we grow 110 acres of tulips. Cultivating tulip…


Notre entreprise familiale exporte depuis 1910 des bulbes à fleurs aux États-Unis et au Canada. Le plupart de ces bulbes sont cultivés dans notre propre ferme. Tout le processus de…



Nous fournissons des bulbes à fleurs en gros de première qualité directement depuis nos fermes familiales en Hollande depuis 1910.
