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Flower bulbs for
greenhouse production

Our experienced sales representatives know all about the process of forcing flower bulbs for cut flowers and pots. They will gladly assist you by advising about choosing the best cultivars for your Valentine’s Day, Easter of Mother’s Day programs. Always aware of the industry’s latest developments, our forcing experts have the extensive knowledge that’s required for forcing tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. We can help you make a tailored plan for your greenhouse program. Our goal is to develop long term relationships with our customers.

Bulbs for forcing

Compose your
greenhouse program

We offer flower bulbs for forcing throughout the season from December 15th until May 20th. We carry a large selection of different varieties for use from early to late in the season. Many of these varieties grown at our own nursery.

Browse our forcing catalog or contact our sales force to help pick varieties that suit your needs. Weather it may be forcing in pots or cut flowers, we can supply you with the best bulbs for any occasion.

Forcing Ruigrok Flowerbulbs
Forcing Ruigrok Flowerbulbs
Forcing Ruigrok Flowerbulbs
Forcing Ruigrok Flowerbulbs
Forcing Ruigrok Flowerbulbs
Forcing Ruigrok Flowerbulbs
Forcing Ruigrok Flowerbulbs


Please contact our team for detailed advise what varieties are best used for what Holidays! Tulips, hyacinths, amaryllis, daffodils and muscari are very suitable for Christmas, Valentines, Easter and Mother’s Day orders.

Forcing Christmas


Valentine Ruigrok


Easter Ruigrok



Mothers Day


For optimum growth your bulbs often need temperature treatment. In our large modern storage rooms we are able to give your bulbs the temperature treatment which is needed to reach the bloom date you are aiming at.


After harvesting, a tulip bulb will develop a new flower inside the bulb. The stage when the new bloom has completely formed in baby size inside the bulb is called the G-stage. We take samples of our tulip lots, and we research by microscope to set the exact date of G-stage for each bulb lot. Starting from the date of G-stage we can calculate what can be  the earliest cooling date for this bulb lot.


For flower bulbs needed for early forcing we offer the service of pre-cooling in our storage rooms. Depending on your location and circumstances in your greenhouse we can decide with you what is the optimum temperature for storing and shipping your bulbs.

Wholesale Forcing Catalog

Browse our

In this catalog we offer you a wide selection of varieties that have proved their quality in the greenhouse. You will find useful info on cooling and forcing time.

Check our catalog


Forcing hyacinths

Download forcing guide for hyacinths

Forcing tulips

Download forcing guide tulips

Contact our
forcing experts
