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Fritilaria Imperialis ‘Rubra Maxima’


The buying period of this product has either expired or has not yet begun.

Also known as ”Crown Imperialis”, this Fritilaria is a true eyecatcher in every park and garden. The bulbs scent keeps deer and rodents at a distance.

Fritilaria Imperialis are also known as Crown Imperials. Fritilaria bulbs grow mulitple, colorful flowers on Tall stems (36 inches)

Fritilaria bulbs are best planted in borders at a focal point. Combine them with other Spring flower bulbs to create stunning displays.

The scent of the bulbs is very repellent to deers and rodents. Fritilaria’s perennialize and will return for many years.

Additional information

Planting depth

Shipping season

Hardiness zone



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Bloom Time


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Common name


  • Also known as Crown Imperials
  • Plant in borders at a focal point
  • Plant in well-drained soil in full sun
  • Apply a 12 inch spread between the bulbs

