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Landscaping with Hyacinths

Hyacinth harvest

Our Hyacinth field, Spring 2020

We have started harvesting and processing our Hyacinth bulbs again, and will start packing in a few weeks time. If you haven’t place your order yet, now is the moment! And definitely make sure you add some Hyacinths.

We offer 18 different varieties of Oriental Hyacinths, in colors varying from pale pink to dark blue and from white to orange. Hyacinths grow multiple flowers per stem and are extremely fragrant, which makes them attractive for bees and butterflies.

Hyacinths are easy to grow and look beautiful in beds, borders, containers and rock gardens. Once in full bloom, the flowers will last for up to 3 weeks. Also, they bulbs are deer and rodent resistant; enough reason to add them to your next landscaping project or park!

Landscaping inspiration

We have gathered some inspiration to help you create stunning displays coming Spring!

Hyacinth Pink Pearl, Hyacinth Gipsy Queen, Hyacinth Pink Surprise, Daffodil Minnow, Tulip Pink Impression

Try planting different Hyacinth varieties mixed with tulips and daffodils. This will create a lovely, long lasting Spring display that flowers for weeks! Plant them along paths and walkways for people to enjoy their sweet scent.


Hyacinth Gipsy Princess, Hyacinth Blue Jacket, Hyacinth Miss Saigon, Daffodil Bridal Crown, Hyacinth Anna Marie, Hyacinth Jan Bos

Plant Hyacinths of the same color en masse, to work with color blocking and create rivers of color. Planting Hyacinths like this is perfect for parks and big gardens.

Hyacinth mixes

To make things easy, we have also added 4 ready-to-go Hyacinth mixes to our assortment, in different color palettes. Have a look at our rainbow, blue, pink and cotton candy mixtures!

Make sure to plant the hyacinth mixtures in groups!


If you are looking for advice or need help placing your order, feel free to contact us. We are happy to answer your questions!

Best wishes,

The Ruigrok Team
