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Monthly Update May

Monthly update May

After a busy May period, summer is awaiting us! We have had perfect weather here almost all of the month, which made our work of inspecting our fields a true pleasure!

During April and May we walk our tulip and hyacinth fields to check for viruses and make sure only the best bulbs get selected for our forcing program and sales. With a team of 12 people we check all 300 acres of our fields during a period of 6 weeks.

After having carefully checked our tulip fields, we chop off the flowerheads mechanically. Cutting off the flowers allows the bulb to take up all the plants energy and grow into beautiful big bulbs. This is why also after the flowering period, we keep watering our fields!

Despite the lovely Spring weather, it has been a real weird season. Normally more than a million tourists from around the world come to our Dutch bulb district to enjoy the flowers. This year it was really quiet…. Due to the Corona crisis the famous Keukenhof parc was forced to remain closed all season and international tourists were not able to come to the Netherlands. We are really looking forward to seeing everyone again next year!

Enjoy some of our favourite photos from this spring!

The last two weeks of May are a relatively quiet period for us. We use these weeks to enjoy some time off and prepare for our Summer season. In the first week of June we will already start harvesting our crocus bulbs, followed by our tulips, hyacinths and daffodils. We will work all Summer long to process and pack our bulbs and ship them to the US and Canada by September.

If you have any question about ordering bulbs, please don’t hesitate and contact us via email or phone, we are here for you!

Best wishes,

The Ruigrok Team
