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Anemone Blanda ‘Mixture’


Anemone Blanda bulbs feature charming, star shaped flowers that open in full sun.  This bulb mixture is very colorful with shades of pink, purple and white.

Anemone Blanda bulbs feature charming, star shaped flowers that open in full sun. They are very short (4 inches) and flower early in the season. Anemone Blanda bulbs are great for borders, rock gardens, pots and containers and for groundcover under Taller Tulips and Daffodils.

Anemone Blanda bulbs will perennialize if the foliage is allowed to die down.


Additional information

Planting depth

Shipping season

Hardiness zone



Bloom Time


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Common name


  • Anemone Blanda are great bulbs for borders, rock gardens, pots and containers and to cover ground under tall Tulips
  • We supply top sized Anemone Blanda bulbs (5+)
  • Anemone Blanda bulbs like full sun but will tolerate some shade
  • Anemone bulbs do not like wet feet and require well-drained soil
  • Fertilize Anemone bulbs when the foliage comes up in spring. We recommend a general low-nitrogen fertilizer..
  • Anemone bulbs can be scattered when planting
  • Anemone bulbs should be planted at a depth of Double the height of the bulb