We are not fooling you, in Holland early spring has arrived! Daffodils are in full bloom and so are the early hyacinths. For the Ruigrok crew this is a very busy period, as we are continuously monitoring our bulb fields until the last blooms have faded.
Tourists in flower fields
During April and May many tourists from all over the world visit Holland to enjoy the Dutch flower fields. As dutch flower growers, of course we welcome all visitors, but we would like to ask them: please do not enter our fields and walk through the flowers. Entering the flower fields will damage our products and increase the chance of spreading plant viruses or infections. “Enjoy the flowers, respect our pride.”
Read the full news post in the Washington Post >
Opening of Keukenhof
A beautiful way to enjoy the flowers blooming, while not trampling or destroying them, is in Keukenhof, Lisse. Over 7 million bulbs will bloom in Keukenhof this spring, with a total of 800 varieties of tulips. Visiting Keukenhof is a unique and unforgettable experience for everyone. Besides all of the flowers, Keukenhof also organized spectacular flower shows, surprising inspirational gardens, unique art and wonderful events. Keukenhof will be open from 21 March – 19 May 2019.
Ruigrok Flowerbulbs at Keukenhof
The exciting thing is… At Keukenhof we have our own spring show garden! This week our spring show garden is starting to show its first colors, which is really exciting. If you are planning to visit Keukenhof is Lisse, Holland, you can find Ruigrok Flowerbulbs at plot number 33.
Curious what our spring show garden at Keukenhof looks like? Check out the first images of our spring show garden here:

Hyacinths Blue Jacket

Tulips Red Emperor

Daffodils Britisch Gamble