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Narcissus Large Cupped ‘Peaches and Cream’ (Daffodils)

Narcissus, Daffodil

New addition to our daffodil assortment. Peaches and cream has creamy white flowers, with large peach colored cups. Perfect choice for the border.

Large Cupped Daffodils bloom right after the Trumpets, and feature huge flowers in vivid colors. These varieties pair perfectly with early blooming tulips like Emperors. WEll suited for beds, borders, containers and cut flowers.
Daffodil bulbs are deer resistant and will perennialize if the plants are treated properly.

Additional information

Planting depth

Shipping season


Hardiness zone



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Also known as

Bloom Time


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Common name

Forcing season

Grown at our farm


  • Wholesale Large Cupped daffodil bulbs are perfect for mass displays, beds, borders, containers, cut flowers and forcing in pots
  • We supply top sized wholesale daffodil bulbs (12/14 or 14/16 depending on cultivar)
  • Wholesale daffodil bulbs perform best in full sun but will tolerate some shade
  • Daffodil bulbs dislike wetness (wet feet) and require well-drained soil
  • When planting bulk daffodil bulbs, you should always place the pointed ends (noses) up
  • The bulbs should be planted at a depth of Double the height of the bulb
  • We have have been growing and trading flower bulbs from our wholesale nursery since 1910
